Can Kerry Repair the Damage to US-Brazilian Relations?

2013-08-21 by Kenneth Maxwell The US Secretary of State, John Kerry, was in Brasilia last week. He did not want to meet the press. But Itamaraty (the Brazilian Foreign Ministry) insisted that he hold a press conference with Antonio Patriota, the Brazilian chancellor (Foreign Minister). Patriota had been Brazil's ambassador in Washington. Secretary Kerry…

The Coming of the CH-53K: An Update from New River

2013-08-09 A key asset being added to the 21st century amphibious fleet is a new version of the CH-53. We earlier did an interview with a Marine involved in the program, who highlighted the potential contributions of the new helicopter to USMC-USN operations. During this year’s visit to New…

Is There a Future for Conventional Arms Control? The Challenge of Russian Military Exercises

By Richard Weitz The recent NATO-Russian spat over military exercises shows the imperative of upgrading European security mechanisms. At a July 24 NATO-Russia Council meeting, Rose Gottemoeller, the U.S. Acting Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, complained about Moscow’s failure to provide advance notice of its recent large-scale military…

Indian Navy Builds Out Its Carrier Capabilities: Shaping a Naval Future with a New Indian-Built Carrier

2013-08-03 By Gulshan Luthra In the naval traditions, names of ships are passed to successor vessels. Vice Admiral Dhowan, a highly distinguished officer with varied experience including of commanding missile ships, said that the new INS Vikrant is 260 meters in length, 60 meters in breadth and able to accommodate…