C-17 Air Drop Mission

U.S. Air Force crew from the 816th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron preparing a C-17 Globemaster III for an air drop mission Credit: U.S. Air Forces Central Public Affairs, September 20th, 2010 10/04/2010 - US Air Force transport aircraft dropped 3,800 container delivery system supply bundles in August to troops at remote…

Elizabeth City USCG Base Infrastructure

On our tour of the Elizabeth City USCG station there were several examples of the state of the infrastructure and of needs for modernization. All photos are credit to Second Line of Defense, June 30, 2010. A first example is how much stuff is kept outside because of the absence…

This Year’s 14th of July On The Champs-Elysées: “Brothers In Arms” With Africa

Celebrating "Blood Ties" By Murielle Delaporte [email protected] The SLD team was there early to capture the moments before the parade officially started: this video gives a sense of the ambiance surrounding the last preparation before marching from the Arc de Triomphe towards the Concorde. Elements of the joint forces in…

Filling The Vacuum: Getting Closer To A Nuclearized Saudi Arabia?

By Franck Znaty ([email protected]) In light of Iran’s determined drive to acquire nuclear weapons, what options remain on the table for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia? While the question of Saudi Arabia acquiring nuclear weapons has been raised many times in the past, news reports announced that Saudi Arabia was…

Eurosatory 2010 Paris Land, Airland, Homeland Defence and Security Week

[caption id="attachment_8842" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="A New Theme At Eurosatory This Year : Operational Medecine (Credit photo: 1er Régiment, Thomas Samson, French Ministry of Defense, ECPAD, Moselle, November 1997)"][/caption] Retaining the same successful mixture of outdoor and indoor stands as in previous sessions, Eurosatory 2010 will include a full program of…

Foreign Languages In Tomorrow’s French Aerospace Landscape

A French Student Prospect By Amélie Spire [email protected] IP Traffic Internet Going Out From New York (Credit: http://vector1media.com) In today's global world, speaking several foreign languages represent a major asset for the aeronautical and spatial engineer. As international networks expand, companies require a high level of fluency in foreign languages,…

The Gulf Oil Crisis and the USCG: Where are the Resources?

The Need To Refill [caption id="attachment_8271" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="U.S. Air Force Master. Sgt Paul Tatar, a C-130 Hercules aircraft aerial spray aircraft maintainers, from the 910th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron at Youngstown-Warren Air Reserve Station, Ohio, refill a C-130 with oil-dispersing chemicals on the runway of the Stennis International Airport, Miss,…