A U.S. Air Force KC-135R aircrew from the 340th Expeditoinary Air Refueling Squadron flies over Israel in support of Exercise Enduring Lightning III, Oct 12, 2020. The United States and Israeli air forces train to maintain a ready posture to deter against regional aggression while forging strategic partnerships across the…
Airmen from RAAF No.2 Squadron designed and painted ‘nose- art’ on an E-7A Wedgetail whilst deployed on Operation OKRA in the Middle East. The art commemorates the 50th anniversary of the downing ofthe No. 2 Squadron Canberra bomber, ‘Magpie 91’, on 3 November 1970 in jungle on the Laotian-Vietnamese boarder…
The Australian Aegis ship returns to homeport after the regional presence deployment 2020. The Royal Australian Navy is conducting a regional deployment across Southeast Asia from July to October 2020 with HMA Ships Hobart, Stuart, Arunta and Sirius. The deployment demonstrates Australia's enduring commitment to the security and stability of…
345th EBS Bomber Task Force mission out of Eielson AFB, Alaska. EIELSON AIR FORCE BASE, AK, UNITED STATES 09.18.2020 Video by Master Sgt. Theodore Daigle 307th Bomb Wing
In September 2020, a No. 36 Squadron (36SQN) C-17A Globemaster transported a Bell 412 helicopter from Canada to Australia. The helicopter has been acquired by the New South Wales Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) and will be utilised for rapid aerial response during the 2020/21 Bushfire Season, allowing small teams…
A Royal Australian Navy MH-60R Seahawk helicopter from 816 Squadron, Nowra, during a recoverable torpedo exercise with a Mark 54 Lightweight Hybrid Torpedo, off the coast of Jervis Bay, New South Wales. 816 Squadron is Navy's operational support squadron for the MH-60R 'Romeo' maritime combat helicopter. The squadron can deploy…
Throughout 2020, Joint Fires Teams (JFT) from the 4th Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery have been utilising realistic simulators to train in the engagement of enemy targets by joint fire assets and calling for indirect fire support from artillery and mortars. This training culminated in Exercise Brolga Run 2020 with the JFT…
U.S. Marines with Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron One (MAWTS-1) participate in airfield damage repair practical application during Weapons and Tactics Instructor (WTI) course 1-21 at Cannon Air Defense Complex in Yuma, Arizona, Sept. 28, 2020. The WTI course is a seven-week training event hosted by Marine Aviation Weapons…