Crafting Solutions at the TACC in Dialogue with USTRANSCOM

The Planning Piece An Interview with Major Fuller [caption id="attachment_18862" align="alignleft" width="180" caption="Major Fuller During the SLD Interview (Credit: SLD)"][/caption] 06/16/2011 - Major Christopher Fuller of the Tanker Airlift Control Center (TACC) kicked off the roundtable by discussing airlift planning for missions into Iraq, Afghanistan and for humanitarian operations.  A…

The Portuguese 502 Squadron “Elefantes”: Leveraging the C-295M

06/14/2011: During the Airbus Trade Media event, the 502 Squadron Commander, Major Dina Azevedo, discussed the mission sets, which the Command performed, and how they used the C-295M in meeting mission needs. She has been based at Seville, Spain as part of the initial acceptance team and then became the…

Evolving Air Power Paradigms

The Emergence of the Three Dimensional Warriors By Robbin Laird 06/16/2011 - As we look forward to the next decade of air power, the question of how best to understand the way forward is rooted in an understanding that past is not prologue.  The leveraging of new technologies in preparing…

The Discipline in the System Piece of the TACC

An Interview with Col. Mintzlaff [caption id="attachment_18520" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Col. Mintzlaff During the Interview, April 2011 (Credit: SLD)"][/caption] 06/08/2011 - During the roundtable at Tanker Airlift Control Center (TACC)  the challenge of maintaining discipline in the system was a key focus for discussion. The airlift system and the multi-modal approach reinforce…

The Role of the Barrel at the TACC

The Adjudication Piece An Interview with Major Corinne Bonner [caption id="attachment_18870" align="alignleft" width="204" caption="Major Bonner During the SLD Interview (Credit: SLD)"][/caption] 06/09/2011 - During the roundtable at the Tanker Airlift Control Center (TACC) , the discussion closed with the challenge of adjudication (i.e. matching resources to demand and bringing plan and…

A New Approach to Airlift and Tanking

06/01/2011: The Shifting Strategic Environment: A New Approach to Airlift and Tanking The United States has inherited and chosen to pursue the specialized aircraft route to airlift and tanking; Airbus Military has chosen a multi-mission path to providing for airlift and tanking capabilities for its customers. When the DOD chose the…

The Weather Piece at the TACC

The Weather Piece 05/27/2011 - First Lieutenant Adam Bennett  led the discussion at the Tanker Airlift Control Center (TACC) of how weather planning figures into both the planning and execution of the TACC missions. Working the Weather Issues in the TACC Command Center Credit: TACC SLD: What do the weather planners…