Lieutenant General Dubik on the Iraq Challenge: “From a Population Protection Mode To a Self Defense Mode”(III)

In this final part of the interview, we discussed with General Dubik the way forward in Iraq.  We discussed first the continuing process of transition 2009-2010 and then the question post-2010 of building a longer-term relationship with Iraq as well as the challenges of working with the Iraqis to provide…

General Nicholson on Using the Ospreys in Afghanistan: “We have done tactical inserts”

Abstract from an interview conducted with Brigadier General Lawrence D. Nicholson, Commanding General, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, Afghanistan, on Thursday March 4th, 2010 (Source: DOD News Briefing with Brig. Gen. Nicholson from Afghanistan Thu, 04 Mar 2010 18:50:00 -0600)   Question: General, operational question.  It's Otto Kreisher, working  for Semper…