The Air Combat Group in Transition: The Perspective of Air Commodore Kitcher

Robbin Laird During a visit to Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Base Williamtown in March 2018, Murielle Delaporte and I had the chance to talk with the new commander of the Air Combat Group, Air Commodore Kitcher. RAAF Williamtown is undergoing significant infrastructure modernization as it prepares for the F-35A…

The Surveillance and Response Group Working to Enhance the Situational Awareness and Decision Making Capabilities of the RAAF

By Robbin Laird During my visit with Murielle Delaporte to RAAF Williamtown in mid-March 2018, we had a chance to meet with Air Commodore (AIRCDRE) Craig Heap the Commander of the RAAF’s Surveillance and Response Group (SRG). I have had a chance twice before to talk with AIRCDRE Heap as…

Working the Integrated Fires Mission at Fort Sill

Fort Sill, Oklahoma The Second Line of Defense team is currently visiting Fort Sill to learn about the evolving approach to the Army's Air Defense mission. In February, an article published by Fort Sill highlighted the evolving mission set encompassed by the focus on integrated fires, reflecting the drive to…

An Australian Update on the F-35 and the RAAF Getting Ready for Its Incorporation Into the Force

During our visit to Australia in March 2018, we had a chance to get an update on the next round of modernization of the RAAF which is driven by the F-35, the operation of the Growler and the incorporation of the new robotic boom into the KC-30A as well as…

An Update on the CH-53K: March 2018

Recently, Deputy Commandant of Aviation, Lt. General “Stick” Rudder testified before the Congress on the coming of the CH-53K and its importance to the USMC and its approach to combat operations. “This aircraft is mechanically and technologically amazing. It fits directly into the National Defense Strategy as far as heavy…