[slidepress gallery='the-f-35c-arrives-at-eglin-afb'] 2013-06-22 Today, the USN received its first F-35c for its training squadron at Eglin AFB. According to a press release issued by the 33rd Fighter Wing: The U.S. Navy’s Strike Fighter Squadron VFA-101 is preparing to receive the Navy’s first F-35C Lightning II carrier variant aircraft from Lockheed…
2013-06-21 According to ABC news (Australia) in a news broadcast on June 20, 2013, the Chairman of Quickstep Technologies argues that a key way ahead for Australian defense industry is in using the technology developed from past government programs and accessing global supply chains. TONY EASTLEY: We're broadcasting today from a…
2013-06-20 We wrote earlier about the apparent lack of U.S. urgency in re-norming airpower with regard to the introduction and con-ops innovations associated with fifth generation aircraft. Now, however. the USMC, the USAF and the USN have laid down IOCs for the aircraft, which clearly reflect a sense of urgency.…
In a follow up interview with Lt. General Robling, MARFORPAC, the challenges of executing the Pivot to the Pacific were discussed. In the earlier interview, Lt. General Robling underscored the centrality of persistent presence as a core element of shaping an effective strategy and capability for the US in the…
2013-06-14 According to a UPI article published on June 10. 2013 and bylined from Norway, the next step in fitting the Kongsberg missile onto the F-35 has taken place. F-35 Joint Strike Fighter by Kongsberg of Norway has successfully completed a second fit test. The testing conducted by Kongsberg and Lockheed…
2013-06-12 According to an article (June 11, 2013) by Courtney Howard, Executive Editor of Avionics Intelligence: Elbit Systems-Cyclone, a Northrop Grumman Corp. (NYSE:NOC) supplier in Israel, delivered its first advanced composite component for the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter center fuselage produced by Northrop Grumman. [caption id="attachment_54425" align="alignnone" width="300"] Northrop…
2013-06-12 According to an article in The Los Angeles Times (June 10, 2013) by W.J. Hennigan: An F-35 fighter jet launched a missile in mid-flight from its internal weapons bay for the first time in a test flight for the Air Force. The missile firing took place last week about…
2013-06-06 As the USMC expects IOC of the F-35 in 2015, and the USAF in 2016, and the Navy in 2018 or 2019, the fleet is expanding to prepare for this process. IOC Report (For the USMC approach to a con-ops driven insertion of the F-35B see the following: https://sldinfo.com/the-ace-of-the-future-yuma-and-beyond-2/). A…