Edge of the Envelope Testing of the F-35A

2013-05-21 The US Air Force (USAF) has successfully completed high angle of attack (AoA) testing of the F-35A Lightning II conventional take off and landing (CTOL) fighter aircraft at Edwards Air Force Base (AFB) in California, US.  Carried out by the F-35 Integrated Test Force (ITF) team, the edge-of-the-envelope testing accomplished…

Meeting the Cyber Threat: The Case of the F-35

2013-05-15 What is the cybersecurity challenge? It is not a one off problem; it is a continuous process of attack and counter attack, of cyber “learning” so to speak.  It is a fact of life in the 21st century where the number one threat is clearly the PRC which views…

MOOG As Key F-35 Systems Supplier

2013-05-12 Over the past 50 years, we have become known for our successful solutions to motion control challenges that are viewed by others as impossible. This directly reflects the creativity, work ethic, and remarkable attention to purpose of our people.  Moog is a leading supplier of integrated control actuation systems. We are continuously…

Italy and the F-35: The Program, the FACO and The Coming of the Meteor Missile

2013-05-03 As Singapore gets closer to announcing its F-35B downselect decision, it is important to underscore the key role, which Italy has played in the program and in building a carrier on which the airplane will operate. As the  F-35 “club” expands, significant effects will come from the ability to work…

F-35 Flight Simulator Comes to MCAS Beaufort

by Matt McNab The Island Packet April 26, 2013 Marine Corps Cpl. Travis Williams put his experience in the flight simulator for the F-35 Lightning II plainly: "It was like nothing I've ever experienced before." Williams, part of Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort's public affairs office, was on hand for…