Visiting the Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center (NAWDC): July 2020

By Robbin Laird The US Navy is in the throes of reworking its capability to prevail in the high-end fight while ensuring its ability to engage in full spectrum crisis management. There is no clearer proof of this judgment than the latest efforts at the Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center…

The Coming of CMV-22B to the Fleet: Next Steps

By Robbin Laird In early February of this year, I attended the ceremony unveiling the Navy’s Osprey as the replacement for the C-2 for the logistics support mission. The Osprey seen in the ceremony was the second Osprey delivered to the Navy, as the first one had been delivered to…

MISR, MINOTAUR and Training for the Maritime Kill Web

When I visited San Diego earlier this year, in my discussion with VADM Miller, he highlighted the importance of the coming of MISR to the fleet. MISR officers are trained as ISR subject matter experts to operate at the fleet or CSG level and to work the sensor fusion for…

The Next Phase of Australian Defense Strategy Development: A Discussion with Brendan Sargeant

By Robbin Laird Last month, the Australian government announced its new defense strategy and force development plan for the decade ahead. It represents both continuity and change from the 2016 strategy, but clearly expresses a recognition of the new strategic environment within which Australia finds itself. It also expresses both…

Shaping a Way Ahead for the Triton: Enabling the Integrated Distributed Force

By Robbin Laird During my recent visit to Jax Navy, I had a chance to talk with several members of the maritime reconnaissance patrol community about Triton. A particularly insightful discussion was with Joseph Opp, currently the Northrop Grumman Director/Site Lead for Triton at Jacksonville Navy Air Station, who has…

Australian F-35 Training: Upgrading the Simulators with Australian Domain Knowledge

By Alisha Welch The software in the FMSims was upgraded to align with the latest Operational Flight Program. The four F-35A Full Mission Simulators (FMSims) currently operational at RAAF Base Williamtown have been successfully upgraded by local experts to support the continued build-up of pilot training at No. 3 Squadron…

The Seahawk in the Extended Battlespace

By Robbin Laird During my visit to the maritime patrol reconnaissance community during the week of June 14, 2020, I had a chance to meet with the leadership of the HSM Weapons School, Atlantic based at Mayport. According to the US Navy’s description of the HSM Weapons School, Atlantic: To…

The Standing Up of TOCRON-11: The Next Step in Building Out Kill Web Infrastructure

By Robbin Laird For some, the shift from using kill web instead of the kill chain is a variant of wordsmithing. But it is not. I have worked on fifth generation aircraft since the mid-2000s and certainly understood what an impact a data rich aircraft flying as a fleet would…