New UK MBDA Facility: Infrastructure for the Complex Weapons Project

A new MBDA facility was officially opened during a July 2, 2018 ceremony during the visit of Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson. According to a Ministry of Defence article: An opening ceremony saw the Defence Secretary unveil a plaque to mark the completion of five years of work and £50 million…

The Building of the New Australian Frigate

Australia's just selected a new build BAE Systems frigate to provide a new capability for the Royal Australian Navy. The projected cost is $35 billion to build nine high-tech, anti-submarine frigates. According to ABC Australia: The contract is a key building block in the Federal Government's defence industry plan, which…

US Navy Works its Future Surface Combatant: The Unmanned Element

According to an article published by USNI News written by Megan Eckstein and published on June 25, 2018, the USN plans to field unmanned vessels to supplement its future surface combatant. The Navy’s Future Surface Combatant will likely include both an unmanned and an optionally unmanned surface vessel as part…

The British Army Autonomous Warrior Experiment

The British Army has launched its Autonomous Warrior (Land) experiment at the RUSI Land Warfare conference. According to an article published by the UK Ministry of Defence on June 20, 2018: Autonomous Warrior, the 2018 Army Warfighting Experiment, will push the boundaries of technology and military capability in the land…

An Update on F-35 Manufacturing: Donald Kinard Talks with Aerospace Manufacturing

Ed Hill, Aerospace Manufacturing In this Q&A session Don Kinard, Lockheed Martin senior fellow F-35 production, discusses with Ed Hill how the defence giant is applying automation, robotics and additive manufacturing to production of the F-35 Lightning II. Q) At what stages have you introduced more automation in your aircraft construction. Is…

The Allied Dimension in Play: The US Navy Selects the Naval Strike Missile

By Robbin Laird Last week, the Pentagon announced that Raytheon has won a $14.8 million contract to purchase the Naval Strike Missile for the Littoral Combat Ship and to put it in line to do the same for the new class of frigates which the US Navy is postured to…

From Sea Ceptor to Land Ceptor: The UK Trials Its New Air Defence Missile

MBDA is building a new generation of missile defense capabilities, built in part around a common missile. Recently, the UK MoD announced the arrival of the Sea Ceptor for its frigates. he Sea Ceptor is a sea-based supersonic missile defence system developed by MBDA for the UK’s Royal Navy. The…