The Paris Air Show and the Future of Military Aviation

2015-06-15 By Robbin Laird The Paris Air Show is dominated by the commercial sector which in terms of market and money is clearly the more important. However, if national survival is at stake, it is not the most important market or consideration. As the world meets in Paris in 2015,…

Japan and Ospreys: An Update

2015-05-09  The Japanese government has become the first foreign government to purchase the V-22. As of early May, the Department of State has approved an FMS deal with Japan.  Japan’s initial buy is for 17 Block C Ospreys, together with spare parts, associated equipment and logistics support. "Japan is modernizing…

Germany Takes Delivery of First A400M: 9 Delivered to 4 Air Forces To Date

2014-12-18  According to an Airbus Defence and Space press released dated December 18, 2014: Airbus Defence and Space has formally delivered the first Airbus A400M military transport ordered by Germany. [caption id="attachment_73404" align="alignnone" width="300"] The photograph shows the first German A400M during its maiden flight. Credit: Airbus Defence and Space.[/caption]…

Visiting the HDMS Niels Juel: An Interview with Commander Lars Holbaek

2014-11-16  Visiting the HDMS Niels Juel: An Interview with Commander Lars Holbaek Second Line of Defense visited the new Danish frigate, the HDMS Niels Juel, which had just participated in Bold Alligator 2014, and which constituted its first overseas engagement. We interviewed Commander Lars Holbaek about his ship, its capabilities,…

Annual Eurofighter Photo Competition Winners: 2014

11/17/2014: In the slideshow below are featured the winning photos of Eurofighters seen in flight. [maxgallery id="72317"] Credit Photos: Eurofighter According the press release from Eurofighter, dated November 17, 2014: Catching the perfect image of something that flies faster than a speeding bullet is a   challenge for any photographer. But…