The Indian Navy to Modernize Its Helos: Negotiating Purchase of Sikrosky S-70Bs

2015-12-09 By Gulshan Luthra Dateline New Delhi Ministry of Defence (MoD) sources told India Strategic that although the helicopters were selected in December 2014, there were some issues over cost escalations due to the delay in the procurement process, and the US company’s insistence that it could not hold the…

Eurofighter Modernization: Lars Joergensen Explains the Approach

2015-10-21  By Robbin Laird During my visit to Eurofighter in Munich, Paul Smith explained the thrust of modernization of Eurofighter and the approach highlighted by Italian test pilot, Major Raffaele Beltrame. In this interview, Lars Joergensen explains the underlying approach to modernization. The Second Line of Defense team first met…

The Paris Air Show and the Future of Military Aviation

2015-06-15 By Robbin Laird The Paris Air Show is dominated by the commercial sector which in terms of market and money is clearly the more important. However, if national survival is at stake, it is not the most important market or consideration. As the world meets in Paris in 2015,…

Japan and Ospreys: An Update

2015-05-09  The Japanese government has become the first foreign government to purchase the V-22. As of early May, the Department of State has approved an FMS deal with Japan.  Japan’s initial buy is for 17 Block C Ospreys, together with spare parts, associated equipment and logistics support. "Japan is modernizing…