Upcoming Russian-Chinese Military Exercise: September 2018

According to the Chinese press: The Chinese military will take part in the Vostok-2018 (or East-2018) strategic drills in Russia from late August to mid-September, the Chinese Ministry of National Defense announced on Monday. Military forces from the two countries will hold joint operation exercises at the Tsugol training range…

A Visit to EOS in Australia: A Payload Company Innovates for 21st Century Operations

By Robbin Laird During my current visit to Australia, I had a chance to visit Electric Optical Systems (EOS) in Canberra and to meet with the founder and his senior team working on space systems. EOS works closely with global customers, including the United States, and provides cutting edge lasers…

The Imperative for an Independent Deterrent: A Joint Strike Seminar August 2018

Background For over twenty years the F-111 provided the Australian Defence Force with a strike capability with the  strategic reach to provide Australia with an independent strike option should deterrence fail. With the retirement of the long-range F-111, Australia’s future air strike capability now rests in the capabilities of the…

Combating 21st Century Authoritarian States: The Perspective of Ross Babbage

By Robbin Laird During my current visit to Australia, I had a chance to continue my discussions with Ross Babbage about the challenges of dealing with 21st advanced authoritarian states. Recently, he co-authored a study entitled “ Countering Comprehensive Coercion: Competitive Strategies Against Authoritarian Political Warfare,” and with that as…

The Next Phase of Missile Defense: C2 and Multi-Domain Sensor and Strike Capabilities

By Robbin Laird Missile defense capabilities have grown over the years, and have become important elements of the joint force. But they have operated largely as organic assets supporting either tactical or strategic operations, but not as an element of C2 integrated force. As the US forces shift from a…

NATO Mine Counter Measures Group One Works in Norwegian Waters: August 2018

One of NATO’s naval groups visited Trondheim on Friday (10 August 2018), and from there it will go on to search for sea mines dating back to World War II. The operation will make the waters safer for fishermen and shipping in the area. Standing NATO Mine Counter Measures Group…

Chinese Military Power 2018: Building a Strategy to Counter a Modern Authoritarian State With a Clear Vision if Not a Clear Future

By Robbin Laird The PRC is combing military with economic with political warfare means to expand its global reach. In the words of Ross Babbage, the PRC and Russia are focused on making the world safe for authoritarian states. https://sldinfo.com/2018/08/information-warfare-and-the-authoritarian-states-how-best-to-respond/ As the context within the Pacific changes, Australia, Japan and…