2017-06-28 By Robbin Laird During my visit to RAF Lossiemouth in March 2017, I had a chance to talk with Wing Commander Billy Cooper, the boss of 6 Squadron. His father had served in 6 Squadron after World War II, so there is real passion and commitment to the squadron…
2017-06-28 Second Line of Defense has visited the Queen Elizabeth while it was being built in Scotland as well as various F-35B facilitates in the US and the UK preparing for the integration of the fifth generation aircraft with a new generation carrier. Now for the first time, the new…
2017-06-25 By Danny Lam The F-16 deal for India – if it goes through – has the potential to become a game changer for not just the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia and the Middle East. Uninformed critics of the deal derided it as a deal for an obsolete light fighter…
2017-06-18 Recently, the RAAF just completed sortie 1000 in its Middle East mission. It has done so with a 93% dispatch rate and has provided approximately 10% of all coalition fuel in the overall coalition air operations. They have done this by flying one aircraft! As the USAF is still…
2017-06-27 by Robbin Laird During the past year, the Typhoons at RAF Lossiemouth have been deployed worldwide. They have become mainstays at Operation Shader in the Middle East, and have been to the Pacific (South Korea, Malaysia and Japan) as well most recently to Red Flag and Green Flag in…
2017-06-20 By Robbin Laird In my recent interview with Lt. General (Retired) Trautman, the former Deputy Commandant of Aviation highlighted how he saw the way ahead for unmanned air systems in the MAGTF: The current Deputy Commandant for Aviation has been very prescient in laying out a requirement for a program…
2017-06-22 In the slideshows for yesterday's and today's activities at the Paris Air Show, we have several photos provided by ParisAirShow.TV. The following aircraft are highlighted in the photos for yesterday: AN132-D Antonov F-35A A380 Wow Aircraft Airbus Drone Aircraft A400M Airbus Harfang UAV. [maxgallery id="98185"] The following aircraft are highlighted…
2017-06-22 Airbus Defence and Space announced an agreement Aviation financier and lessor Stellwagen which broke some new ground in terms of a business model for an airlifter. According to a press release dated June 21, 2017 released by Airbus Defense and Space: Le Bourget, 21 June 2017 – Aviation financier and lessor Stellwagen,…