Paris Airshow June 21 and 22, 2017

2017-06-22  In the slideshows for yesterday's and today's activities at the Paris Air Show, we have several photos provided by ParisAirShow.TV. The following aircraft are highlighted in the photos for yesterday: AN132-D Antonov F-35A A380 Wow Aircraft Airbus Drone Aircraft A400M Airbus Harfang UAV. [maxgallery id="98185"] The following aircraft are highlighted…

Airbus Defense and Space Adds a New Business Model: Leasing C-295s

2017-06-22 Airbus Defence and Space announced an agreement Aviation financier and lessor Stellwagen which broke some new ground in terms of a business model for an airlifter. According to a press release dated June 21, 2017 released by Airbus Defense and Space: Le Bourget, 21 June 2017 – Aviation financier and lessor Stellwagen,…