Rolling Out the F-35 Fleet from the Testing Perspective: An Interview with the Chief Test Engineer for the F-35 ITF at Pax River

2016-02-27 By Robbin Laird and Ed Timperlake During a recent visit to Pax River, we had the chance to discuss the F-35 test approach and way ahead with Andrew Maack. F-35 Integrated Test Force (ITF) chief test engineer. Although we were at Pax River, the F-35 ITF is rooted in…

Australia Re-Sets Its Defense Policy: The Defence White Paper 2016 Looks Beyond the Platform Shopping List

2016-02-26 By Robbin Laird The Australian government has recently released a new Defense White Paper along with two accompanying documents, a defense industrial policy statement as well as defense integrated investment program. Together, these documents express the concern with the dynamics of change in the region and beyond, and Australia’s’…