F-35 Global Enterprise Meets in Oslo

2014-09-13 According to The Nordic Page a Multinational F-35-Summit to be held in Oslo on 25 September 2014. This is the first time the leaders of the multinational F-35-program will meet in Norway. This happens as all nine partner nations in the program assemble in Oslo for their second JSF…

South African Company Supports Azerbaijan Defense Efforts

2014-09-12 Paramount Group has signed a joint venture agreement with Azerbaijan’s AirTechServices Corporation to form Paramount Aerospace Azerbaijan, which will offer manufacturing capabilities for the modernization and enhancement of helicopters and fixed wing aircraft. The new company was announced in Baku yesterday during the Azerbaijan Defence Expo (ADEX). Paramount said…

Christians in the Middle East: Washington Conference Looks at Minority Under Seige

2014-09-10 By Julien Canin The deteriorating situation facing millions of Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East was focused of a bipartisan and ecumenical conference which started yesterday in Washington DC. The three-day event (September 9-11) sponsored by In Defense of Christians (IDC), a non-profit organization, featurex speakers from…

US and Allied Missile Defense RMA Thinking Leaders and Their Technological and Con-Ops Counterpunch

2014-09-08 In a recent Air and Space Power Journal, William Bell has argued that the adversary missile developments have become a revolution in military affairs in their own right. Certainly the last four years of US military service war games have shown strong indications that missiles not only have evolved…

Putin Phoenix: NATO in Play

2014-09-04 By Kenneth Maxwell President Obama was in Estonia yesterday (September 3) where he met with the nervous presidents of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Donald Tusk, the Polish Prime Minister, in late March, made a plea to NATO: Put 10,000 troops in Poland permanently. Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, rejected the idea…