Acquisition Innovation in the Department of Defense: Breaking the Logjam

2014-09-22 In our series looking back at the achievements of Secretary Wynne in DOD, we are highlighting key aspects of acquisition innovation. We are both highlighting specific accomplishments, but highlighting more general lessons to be learned about how to foster innovation. In this interview with “Raleigh” Durham, a veteran of…

The Russian Mistral Decision Revisited: The Flagship for the NATO Spearhead Force?

2014-09-11 By Robbin Laird Recently, the French government has suspended delivery of the Mistral amphibious ship to Russia. In a story published by France 24 on September 9, 2014: France on Wednesday suspended the first of two controversial Mistral-class warship deliveries to Russia, saying “conditions” were not in place as…

China’s Foreign Policy And Security Decision System: Shaping Assertive Sovereignty and Regional Behavior

2014-09-02 by Harald Malmgren Xi Jinping has already successfully reconfigured China’s Politburo and its Politburo Standing Committee (PSC). He has also set in motion a massive corruption purge of the Chinese domestic state security apparatus, starting with its head, Zhou Yongkang, and including several hundred other national and local officials.…