Re-Shaping American 21st Century Airpower: The Coalition and Partnership Dimension

2013-11-10 by Robbin Laird Frequently peppering American presentations about the evolution of military strategies, approaches and capabilities are references to the central importance of coalitions and of partners. But what is not often realized is HOW fundamentally the situation has changed over the past thirty years.  When coalitions and partners…

Turkey, China and the Future of NATO Defense in the Region

2013-11-09 By Baris Kirdemir Recently, Turkish authorities decided to start talks with China Precision Machinery Export Import Corporation (CPMIEC) to procure FD-2000 air defense missile systems. On September 26, Turkey’s Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM) announced that the “Defense Industry Executive Committee” decided to start negotiations with CPMIEC to sign a…

Latin America Reacts to the NSA Revelations: How Will the Obama Administration Rebuild Relationships?

2013-11-08 by Brittney Warrick According to documents leaked by now former American defense contractor Edward Snowden, the United States’ National Security Agency (NSA) has for some time, engaged in large-scale efforts to target the communications of countries, embassies, political leaders, and diplomats worldwide. Over the course of a few months,…

ONR Adds Speed, Precision to F-35 Manufacturing

2013-11-05 A core advantage of having a global manufacturing system like the F-35 (from Cameri to Fort Worth to Japan) is that improvements in one move through the whole manufacturing chain. Here is one improvement in process manufacturing which the Office of Naval Research is shaping: A faster, more precise…