Air Mobility: An Enabler of Mission Success

The evolution of air systems able to operate across the spectrum of warfare is a key dynamic changing the nature of warfare and security operations.  Indeed, when one considers the future of combat ships a key consideration is clearly what types of air systems can operate off of those ships. …

F-35 visits Cherry Point

07/11/2013: Members of Cherry Point prepare the F-35B Lightning II to be moved to the Fleet Readiness Center East for maintenance July 9. The joint strike fighter is suited for air-to-air and air-to-ground combat, surveillance and reconnaissance gathering, electronic warfare and command and control roles. [slidepress gallery='f-35-visits-cherry-point']  Credit: 2nd Marine…

Talking to the Taliban: Hope Over History?

2013-07-09 by Richard Weitz After many months of false starts and shattered hopes, the official Afghan Peace talks may finally begin in Doha, Qatar, where the Taliban opposition has established a quasi-official presence. But a recently published study, “Talking to the Taliban: Hope over History?” should again remind us that…

Asan’s Washington Forum Ponders Korean Security: The Need for a More Proactive Policy

2013-07-07 by Richard Weitz The Asan Institute for Policy Studies, one of South Korea’s most influential security think tanks, recently held its first large-scale policy forum in Washington. Hundreds of people attended the two-day event, entitled “The Enduring Alliance: Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of ROK-US Relations." The panels included many…