Iran and Mining the Straits of Hormuz

2012-08-03 By Scott C. Truver (An earlier version of this was posted on the U.S. Naval Institute website.) Iran threatens to mine the Strait of Hormuz, petroleum markets react, world economies take notice, and more U.S. and allied naval forces are sent to the region, upping the ante for Tehran and…

The UK, the F-35 and Strategic Considerations

2012-08-03 by Robbin Laird We have posted a number of articles during the UK government's deliberation with regard to the F-35C versus the F-35B.  In a PDF special report included in this article, we have brought those articles together into one report.  A key element not so obvious within the…

Understanding the Challenge of Deterring North Korea

2012-08-02  An Interview with Lt. General (Retired) Charles R. Heflebower Lt. Gen. Charles R. Heflebower was Deputy Commander in Chief, United Nations Command; Deputy Commander, U.S. Forces Korea; Commander, Air Component Command, Republic of Korea and U.S. Combined Forces Command; and Commander, 7th Air Force, Pacific Air Forces, Osan Air…

The Role of the F-35 in the Future of Power Projection

By Robbin Laird and Ed Timperlake The F-35 and its ability to work with, to leverage and to enhance the capability of the power projection forces is at the heart of the next 20 years of rebuilding U.S. and allied forces. It is clear that a fundamental reconstruction is required…

The Strategic Consequences of the Euro Crisis

We have just published the second Strategic Inflection Report. This report focuses upon the Euro crisis and its strategic consequences. The Euro crisis is not simply a financial dynamic. It is the end of a period of history. The confluence of several trend lines: the unification of Germany, the end…

The Iranian Offensive in Iraq: The Initial Push

2012-07-30 By Richard Weitz Many consider Iran the ultimate victor of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. Although the subsequent military occupation of Iraq that ended in 2011 was carried out by the United States and its allies, Iranian influence in Iraq grew tremendously following the elimination of the Saddam…

Managing the Rubik’s Cube of Operational Support: The Role of the Multi-Modal Transport Center

by Murielle Delaporte From the SLD interview (in French) of General Philippe Boussard, French Air Force, Commander, Multi-Modal Transport Center At the vortex of managing the logistics support chain to deployed French forces is the Multi-Modal Transport Center (CMT).  Similar to TRANSCOM, the CMT uses various levers to move goods and…

Korean War Armistice Recalls Origins of Turkish-US Military Partnership

2012-07-30 By Richard Weitz In recent years, Turkey has become one of the most influential countries in NATO, backstopped by dynamic diplomacy, one of the world’s most powerful economies, and a rough neighborhood whose security vacuum propels Turkish involvement. The Turkish-American relationship has existed for two centuries, but their strategic alliance…