The Evolution of Maritime Robotic Systems

12/09/2011 - In a wide ranging discussion with General Heinz, former PEO of the F-35 program and now head of Maritime Systems in I Robot (and working for the former head of NAVAIR, now the COO of I Robot), the current state of Maritime Robotic systems was discussed as well…

Augmenting the Seabase: 21st Century Efficiencies

12/09/2011 by Ed Timperlake and Robbin Laird Enhanced Efficiencies in Use of Ship Deck Space: The USN-USMC Team Shows the Way As assets are diminished for U.S. defense forces, it is important to enhance the combat value of the assets which remain. Important  modernization and upgrades are the essential points. …

Remembering Pearl Harbor the PRC Way

December 7, 2011 by Ed Timperlake President Hu of the Peoples Republic of China sounds “General Quarters” on the eve of Pearl Harbor Day in calling for the PLAN to make ready for combat and the US response is a call for “Transparency”. [caption id="attachment_31072" align="alignleft" width="230" caption="Inside the Beltway…

Russian Intelligence on the Rebound

12/5/2011 by Richard Weitz Russian news media hinted darkly the foreign governments and their agent were seeking to influence yesterday’s parliamentary elections. The accusations of spies being involved in the election process were correct, but the spies were working for the Russian government. One of the duties of the Russian…

Help Us Find C-123 Veterans

12/5/2011 by Ed Timperlake Through a coincidence of timing and chance I recently met a retired USAF officer who has never forgotten the aviators’ duty to take care of one’s aircrew. He visited the Washington DC DAV Office, spreading the word about fellow Air Force flyers in distress due to…

Presidential Visit to Australia: A Strategic Opportunity for Darwin and Australia?

11/16/2011 By Robbin Laird and Ed Timperlake President Obama is focusing on the Pacific this week and he will go to Australia.  The President is scheduled to visit with the Australian Prime Minister, and Darwin, a port city, in the Northern Territories.  Darwin is the home of many things; among…

LM Global Vision Center: A SLD Site Visit

[caption id="attachment_12920" align="alignleft" width="150" caption=" "][/caption] By Dr. Richard Weitz 12/02/2011 - Second Line of Defense was recently invited to participate in an open house for Lockheed Martin’s Affordable Innovation Technology Demonstration at the LM Global Vision Center in Arlington, Virginia. The demonstrations from the Lockheed Martin Global Training and…