11/12/2011 Aero3A News and Communications Agency has provided an interesting interview with Alexei Fedorov President of IRKUT Corporation which gives a sense of his views on the evolving military aviation marketspace. These questions and responses were prepared for the forthcoming Dubai Air Show. What are perspectives of IRKUT Corp on…
11/10/2011 By Michael Wynne If one recalls the history of the transformation movement, it became embraced by then candidate Bush in his speech at the Citadel and then he followed through on the speech as president. The calls for a revolution in military affairs now became defense transformation. In all…
11/09/2011 - by Richard Weitz The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has written its latest quarterly assessment of Iran’s nuclear program and things don’t look good. The report and other comments by the IAEA and its member governments indicate that Iran has made considerable progress In the three pillars required…
The Super Tucano Case Photo credit: www.vectorsite.net 11/09/2011 - A significant irony in the current U.S. defense budgetary cost cutting debate is the absence of consideration for U.S. exports. Although the President expressed his vision of a significant expansion of exports, defense is not part of this vision.…
How Not to Make Friends and Influence People By Kenneth Maxwell Professor Maxwell recently retired from Harvard University after a distinguished career as a leading expert on Brazil and Latin American Affairs. Kenneth Maxwell is a historian, an expert in Portuguese and Brazilian History and has taught at and been…
11/06/2011 - by Richard Weitz A month ago, the International Crisis Group (ICG) released a report entitled, “Turkey: Ending The PKK Insurgency,” which offered sensible advice regarding how to make progress resolving Turkey’s Kurdish issue. The thrust of their recommendations was to move the struggle for Kurdish rights from the…
11/06/2011 - by Richard Weitz The Russian media is now reporting that the Russian Navy leadership has recommended building two aircraft carrier battle groups by 2027. One would serve in the Northern Fleet (for deployment primarily in the Atlantic Ocean) and one with the Pacific Fleet. Navy leaders considered but…
11/07/2011 By Dr. Harald Malmgren For most of 2011 world economic growth has been slowing. Deceleration of the rate of economic growth was recently evident in weakening manufacturing growth and increasing inventories in many advanced economies. What has been less well recognized is that the rate of growth of world…