The Maintenance Learning Curve

An Update on the Osprey from New River (VII) [download PDF of full report] From Supply Of Parts To Battle Damage Repair: The Challenge Of Components' Reliability An Interview With Lieutenant Colonel Garcia 12/09/2010 - This is the second part of the interview with Lieutenant Colonel Garcia with both Iraq…

Israel’s New Strategic Templates

An Israeli Strategic Update By Robbin Laird [email protected] 12/09/2010 - During the early part of November, the Second Line of Defense team visited Israel to get a strategic update on developments.   Looking beyond the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict's Prism Credit photo: One of the many problems facing the current U.S.…

The Key To Survival

A Perspective on the Role of Air Power in the Defense of Israel An Interview with (Retired) General Herzl Bodinger General Bodinger, SLD, November 2010   12/09/2010 - During a visit to Israel in November 2010, Second Line of Defense had the chance to sit down with the former chief…

The Mukawama Effect

Israel: « No Second Chance » An Interview With Amos Harel   Amos Herel (Credit:    12/09/2010 - During the Second Line of Defense Visit to Israel in November 2010, an article was published by Amos Harel of Haaretz, which caught our eye [1]. The article began with a…

Operation Atalanta

Backgrounder EUNAVFOR, A Promising "First" By Harry Syringas [email protected] Atalanta operation in the Gulf of Aden The aim of the "Eunavfor Somalia - Atalanta operation" is to protect ships of the World Food Programme (WFP) transporting food to the displaced populations of Somalia, to protect the vulnerable ships sailing off…

Zoom On The Harvest Hawk

12/7/2010 - Story below from : KC-130J Harvest Hawk takes on new role in Afghanistan By Sergent Deanne Hurla, Camp Dwyer, Afghanistan, November 17th, 2010, "Since 2003, KC-130Js have played a vital role in transporting coalition forces and cargo throughout Helmand and Nimroz provinces; however, the latest KC-130 to…

Putting Afghanistan in the Rear View Mirror

Rethinking “Contingency” Operations By Heather Penney 12/6/2010 - With the deluge of media and congressional attention on the budget, deficit, and national debt, it is surprising that the connection between our current/future economic predicament and OEF/OIF has been conspicuously absent from the debate. According to the CRS, costs for OEF/OIF/GWOT…