An Update on the Distributed Aperture System

SLD talked with Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems’ Mark Rossi about the Distributed Aperture System (DAS) on the F-35, which together with the helmet provides 360-degree situational awareness for the F-35 pilot. Mark has served as the Director of the AN/AAQ-37 Electro-Optical Distributed Aperture System (EO DAS) for the F-35 platform,…

Crafting the F-35 Sustainment Approach: A Central Element of the Con-Ops of the New Aircraft System

SLD sat down with Kimberly Gavaletz, Vice President from Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company, and head of the F-35 Autonomic Logistics Global Sustainment Program, to discuss the F-35 sustainment approach.  The F-35 is a new generation “flying combat system” which is built around a man-machine interface, which builds on developments in…

Managing Chaos Texas-Style (Part I)

By Steve Nerheim As the USCG participates in the current challenging Gulf oil spill crisis, the danger of the tropical storm season coming upon us reminds us that crises can be telescoped.  In this two part article by Steve Nerheim, the USCG approach to partnering in crisis management is analyzed…

Crafting a Services Approach: A Perspective from Airbus Military

As part of the Trade Media briefing in Spain in May 2010, a senior representative for Airbus Military provided an overview of different approaches to services which, we thought, would be very useful for readers of SLD, notably as the US debates the future of programs such as performance-based logistics. …

An Update on F-35 Manufacturing: The Case of Wing Assembly

6/20/2010 SLD visited the Fort Worth assembly plant for the F-35 in late April.  During the visit, the focus was upon the transformation of the outer wing box assembly production approach. During the System Development and Demonstration (SDD) phase, wings have been built in the more traditional military aircraft assembly…

The Coast-Guard: A True 911 Force

An interview with Rear Admiral Branham Commander Seventh Coast Guard District Rear Admiral Branham has commanded the Seventh Coast Guard District for about two years; his AOR covers parts of the waters of South Carolina, all of Georgia, Florida, the Caribbean and some waters off Central America and Northern South…