Taking the pulse of the next generations of aeronautics and space engineers: A French Sample

This is the second posting in our new Outlook section, which will include regular participations from the upcoming generations. We start with an article by a student from the Toulouse-based Aeronautics and Space Institute (ISAE) - who is also part of our SLDinfo research team -, which gives a first…

General Dunn on The Future of the Nuclear Force

[caption id="attachment_3670" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Credit: http://www.airforce-technology.com/projects/b2/"][/caption] The Administration will make perhaps its most important announcements over the next few months, affecting our very existence. I am referring specifically to the results of our nuclear posture review and the arms control deal we are seeking to make with Russia.  Congress, and…

Outgoing USCG Commandant Reviews the Challenges Facing the Coast Guard

  [caption id="attachment_3737" align="alignleft" width="500"] A Coast Guard 270-foot medium-endurance cutter sits offshore of Haiti as a Coast Guard MH-65 Dolphin helicopter crew patrols Haiti's coastline Jan. 13. Coast Guard personnel from across the eastern United States have deployed on Coast Guard vessels and aircraft for the earthquake relief mission…

Copenhagen Dynamics: A Window into 21st Century Geo-Politics

By Harald Malmgren History will look back at the Copenhagen Summit as the moment at the beginning of the 21st century when the power structure of the world fundamentally changed. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="220" caption="Photo: http://www.copenhagenclimatecouncil.com/get-informed/news/cop15-daily-brief-the-copenhagen-accord.html"][/caption] Towards a De-Facto G-2: The Chinese Emergence and the European Re-Alignment During the run-up…

Intel Too Overloaded For Cyber Taskings?

By John Wheeler "Ne sutor ultra crepidam" (Apelles the Painter to a shoemaker criticizing his picture, as Quoted by Pliny the Elder) Overload Alert Are recent events regarding US intelligence efforts indications that the intelligence agencies might be overloaded with work?  The first-draft answer is Yes, and that a re-balancing…

Does a multi-polar world lead to multi-national governance?

Considering the relative decline of the United States, the rise of Asia, the shift in power to the commodity-producing states, and the continued inability of Europe to become a global military power, multi-polarity is inevitable.  Many analysts assume that multi-polarity facilitates multi-national governance.  Thus, the decline of the US, and…