F-22 Pilot Helps Honor Fallen Solider

2013-02-04 In a moving story posted on The Huntington Post, a reporter provides a moving story of a F-22 pilot helping a young man honor his father a fallen American solider. Zoe Mintz writes (excerpts follow): http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/01/pilot-brian-baldwin-delivers-letter_n_2600241.html [caption id="attachment_50508" align="alignnone" width="199"] Son of Fallen Soldier With His Letter for Dad.…

Britain and the EU: At the Edge?

2013-02-03 By Dr. Harald Malmgren We speculated months ago that the UK government would not be able to yield authority over the London financial market to the proposed new bank and financial market supervisory entity to be established in the ECB or in a Continental European city. The continuing search…

China’s New Foreign-Policy Team

2013-02-01 by Richard Weitz Although China’s foreign policy decision-making process remains highly centralized, over time the number of actors who influence these decisions has grown. The majority of China’s foreign policy decisions still lie in the hands of the CCP Politburo Standing Committee -- the most powerful decision-making body in…

Commander’s Perspectives on the Pacific Challenges: Shaping an Effective 21st Century Force

2013-02-01 by Robbin Laird At Second Line of Defense, we have conducted a number of interviews with Commander’s with special roles in the Pacific.  In this article, we want to bring together some of those insights into a more comprehensive look at the challenges as seen by the Commander’s who are…

Taiwan and Beijing: Part 2

2013-01-30 By Richard Weitz In his inaugural address, Ma stated that there would be “no reunification, no independence, and no use of force.” During the campaign, Ma emphasized the need to revive the Taiwanese economy and advocated expanding social and economic ties with the Chinese mainland, including restoring direct communications, postal,…

The Challenge of Deterrence in the Second Nuclear Age: A Discussion with Paul Bracken

2013-01-28 Recently, Second Line of Defense sat down with Professor Paul Bracken to discuss his new book entitled The Second Nuclear Age. https://sldinfo.com/paul-bracken-on-the-second-nuclear-age/ The book is an important statement of the challenge of deterrence in a proliferating nuclear world, one in which Americans see less value in nuclear weapons, but…

Taiwan and Beijing: Part I

2013-01-27 by Richard Weitz The Taiwan situation will remain an insuperable obstacle to better Sino-American ties if the past is prologue. What are those conflicting objectives? Beijing insists on exercising control over Taiwan. The Taiwanese people insist on their right to exercise their political autonomy. And Washington insists on providing…