Shaping a Western Hemisphere Energy Policy

2012-11-27 by Robbin Laird Few would argue the proposition that energy security is a key element for national security and defense policy. Current over dependence on the Middle East – a region increasingly volatile -- and a very aggressive China shaping global energy policy along with a top priority which…

Iran Sanctions: The Asian Outliers

2012-11-26 by Richard Weitz Most European governments are firmly aligned with Washington on the Iran sanctions issue, but serious gaps in coverage exist elsewhere. China, India, and Russia are the main challenges, but even major U.S. allies such as Japan and South Korea present challenges as well. These countries are major…

Assessing Russia’s Military Reforms: A Bridge Too Far?

2012-11-25 By Richard Weitz The fate of Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov’s controversial reforms, designed to transform a traditional mass mobilization military created to fight another global war with the West into a force optimized to win local conflicts and counterinsurgencies, remains in doubt. The reforms have succeeded in destroying the…

China-U.S. Regional Economic Rivalry: The Global Game Accelerates

2012-11-24 by Richard Weitz The economic dimension of the U.S. Asia Pivot took another step forward when the United States and some of its economic partners recently decided to try to reach a comprehensive regional trade agreement by next October’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit. U.S. President Barack Obama hosted talks…

Who is the Russian Military? Muslims, Conscripts and Professionals

2012-11-20 By Richard Weitz A core goal of the Serdyukov reforms was transitioning the Soviet-era mass mobilization military designed to win another global war with the West into a force optimized to fight local conflicts such as counterinsurgencies as well as participate in peacekeeping operations and counterpiracy and counterterrorist missions. This…

US Policy Toward Iran in Obama’s Second Term: In the Jet Wash?

2012-11-20 by Richard Weitz In his first post-election press conference on November 14, President Obama reaffirmed interest in achieving  a diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear dispute since he believed the “window of opportunity” for a negotiated settlement, though closing, was still open. Obama explained that, “there should be a way…

Russian-ROK Economic Ties

2012-11-18 By Richard Weitz Even with the persistent security tensions, economic cooperation between Russia and South Korea has increased dramatically during the past decade. The commerce involves primarily the exchange of Russian oil and gas in return for ROK machinery and equipment. The South Korean military also purchases some Russian defense…