Moving About During COVID-19: Observations of a Traveler

By Robbin Laird During 2020, with the pandemic descending upon the world, my usual year of global travel obviously was not to be. But except for April and May 2020, I travelled at least once a month within the United States from June to December and globally from January to…

Strengthening the Indian-U.S. Defense Partnership

By Richard Weitz The next U.S. presidential administration should build on the positive legacy of the Trump administration in strengthening the Indo-U.S. security ties. The two countries recently held the third round of their yearly “2+2” defense and foreign ministers’ dialogue in New Delhi, continuing a process launched in 2018.…

The European Defence Fund and European Defence: The Perspective of the EU Commissioner for the Internal Market

By Pierre Tran Paris.  The European Union could raise a total of €30-€40 billion ($35-$47 billion) to finance work on defense and security projects, drawing on the €7 billion budget due to be pledged to the European Defense Fund, Thierry Breton, European commissioner for internal market, said Nov. 13. “With…

The Way Ahead for French Defense? A French Parliamentary Report Raises Significant Questions

By Pierre Tran Dateline Paris. A scathing parliamentary report on the draft 2021 defense budget pointed up  an imbalance of political power, with the executive arm withholding information from the legislature, while enjoying an exclusive right to approve the bill virtually unchanged. “Not only is the budgetary initiative a monopoly…

The US Cold Civil War: Pippa Malmgren Looks at the United States

Recently, Pippa Malmgren, a U.S. analyst baed in London, provided thoughts on American developments. An article by Tyler Durden published on October 18, 2020 provided the interview. Here we are excerpting the discussion of the digital civil war, but the video below provides the full interview. Erik: I want to pick…

Publication Announcement: The Return of Direct Defense in Europe: Meeting the 21st Century Authoritarian Challenge

We have just published our latest book which is entitled, The Return of Direct Defense in Europe: Meeting the 21st Century Authoritarian Challenge. The book focuses on how the liberal democracies are addressing the challenges of the 21st century authoritarian powers, in terms of the evolving approaches and capabilities to…