By James Jay Carafano 08/02/2011 - America’s Navy and Coast Guard have always partnered to protect the nation’s sovereignty. The navy projects power. The Coast Guard policies the seas. The Coast Guard has served the nation well because the nation always gave it the right ships to do the job.…
08/02/2011 - Recently, Second Line of Defense sat down with Admiral Currier, the Deputy Commandant (Mission Support) of the USCG, to discuss the importance of the new National Security Cutter in executing the national maritime strategy. The NSC provides a focal point for deployed defense and security capabilities afloat and…
07/31/2011 Terrorist-Criminal Pipelines and Criminalized States By Douglas Farah Conclusions 07/ /2011 - The trend toward the merging of terrorist and criminal groups to mutually exploit new markets is unlikely to diminish. Both will continue to need the same facilitators, and both can leverage the relationship with the other to…
Criminalized States and Terrorist-Criminal Pipelines By Douglas Farah The FARC, Venezuela and Iran 07/26/2011 - While the transnational trafficking and financial operations of the Sinaloa cartel are important, the FARC alliances and actions offer an important look at the use of non-state criminal/terrorist armed groups by a criminalized state. The…
The Future Naval Service Posture and the Need for a Reinvigorated Revolt of the Admirals By Vince Martinez Here we go again… 07/25/2011 - It seems we are in familiar territory again—collectively diving head first into a looming post-war era of demobilization, retrofit and reset. Coupled with a decreasing defense…
07/22/2011: In late June 2011, Second Line of Defense visited McGuire Air Force Base and was briefed on the 621st Contingency Response Wing resident to the 21st Expeditionary Mobility Task Force. This unique asset operates globally to create airfields on demand to support the USAF’s ability to insert force worldwide…
By Dr. Richard Weitz 07/22/2011 - Although Iran’s recent announcement that it wanted to create its own national Internet separate from the rest of cyberspace represents the most visible threat to an open and free global Internet, the State Department’s Internet Freedom agenda faces major challenges in the former Soviet…
07/22/2011 Criminalized States and Terrorist-Criminal Pipelines By Douglas Farah The Changing Landscape of West Africa and Latin America 07/18/2011 - While the commodities for weapons trade was lucrative to the participants and costly in terms of human life and the financing of criminal and terrorist organizations, recent developments in the…