Avoiding the Fair Fight

05/16/2011 The Challenge of Avoiding the Far Fight Excerpts from Keynote Speech Armed Forces Communication and Electronic Association (AFCEA) Spring Symposia The Honorable Michael W. Wynne 21st Secretary, USAF May 11, 2011 Virginia Beach, Virginia I salute your efforts throughout this assembly to protect America; and enhance our capabilities; and…

Coping with Counterfeit Electronics in Defense Supply Chain

05/08/2011 Unlike during the cold war era when the domestic electronics industry and military research and development funding spawned most advances in electronics, the post cold war era has reversed that process with military capabilities now highly dependent on advances in commercial electronics. The increasingly low cost and constantly shrinking…

State Department Goes on Cyber Offensive

By Dr. Richard Weitz 05/05/2011 - Under Hillary Clinton, the U.S. State Department has made a major effort to promote international Internet liberties, including the freedoms of expression, association, and assembly online. Taken together, these rights comprise what Secretary Clinton has called the “freedom to connect.” The Department faces both…

Espionage and the PRC Challenge

By Edward Timperlake 04/27/2011 - Testimony on cyber-attacks, espionage, and technology transfers to the People’s Republic of China, before the Foreign Affairs Committee, United States House of Representatives. Friday April 15, 2011 *** Mr. Chairman and distinguished members of the Committee, it is an honor to be asked to testify…

Leveraging the Advantages of the USN-USMC Team

04/27/2011 - In late March 2011, Second Line of Defense visited San Diego to discuss the evolution of the USN-USMC team as seen by key members of the staff of Naval Air Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet.  At a time when the nation is remembering the 100 years of Naval Aviation,…