The Challenge of Crafting Integrated Missile Defense in NATO and Other Allied Regions By Ambassador (Ret.) Jon D. Glassman, Director for Government Policy, Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems Ambassador Glassman provides a two-part assessment of the challenge of building effective, integrated missile defense systems in NATO and in other regional allied…
By Dr. Richard Weitz 10/16 /2010 - The Pentagon’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency is expected to confirm soon an estimated $60 billion U.S. arms deal with Saudi Arabia. The unstated but widely understood purpose of the sale, which has been under discussion since 2007, is to enhance the Kingdom’s ability…
Arms Sales a Necessary, But Not Sufficient Condition for Enhanced Deterrence By Dr. Robbin Laird 10/16 /2010 - Richard Weitz’s review and assessment of the proposed Saudi arms sale discusses some of the platforms on offer, which could go with what the Saudis already have in the inventory. Platforms are…
By Caroline Mükusch 10/15/2010 Competition for the Arctic has been growing intense since 2007. The Arctic neighboring states have proclaimed or renewed their national strategies on the Arctic. In the short-, mid- and long-term perspective, the question of who is entitled to the Arctic region and its vast store of…
By Dr. Heinrich Matthee, Academic Head, Black Hall College London Dr. Heinrich Matthee is a political and security risk analyst specializing on the Middle East and Muslim politics worldwide. Dr. Matthee has more than 14 years' experience of advising governments, multinational companies and NGOs. 10/08/2010 - This article was originally…
Type 022 (Houbei-class) fast-attack missile craft Credit Photo: Chinese Military Power Report Highlights Growing Chinese Naval Might By Dr. Richard Weitz 09/30/2010 - On August 17th, 2010 the U.S. Department of Defense released its latest edition of its annual assessment of China’s military capabilities, intentions, and behavior to the…
The Future of Power Projection: Templates for Understanding the Chinese Challenge By Dr. Robbin Laird China in Africa, Plamen Petkov Changing Epochs Richard Weitz has provided a good look at the most recent Pentagon report on the evolution of Chinese military power. Clearly the new number two economic power, which…
Can Hope Triumph Over Experience? By Richard Weitz [caption id="attachment_11443" align="alignleft" width="120" caption="(Credit photo: The Hudson Institute)By Dr. Richard WeitzCan Hope Triumph Over Experience?"][/caption] 09/30/2010 - Another theme in this year’s DoD report on the Chinese military is its appeal to China to make its military programs and objectives considerably…