General Goldfein Visits India and Underscores Importance of the Relationship with India

2018-02-09 New Delhi, February 6, 2018: The US Air Force Chief of Staff, Gen. David L. Goldfein departed New Delhi Sunday following meetings with US Embassy leadership as well as Republic of India military leadership to discuss strengthening the strategic military-to-military partnership with India. On Wednesday, Gen. Goldfein met with…

The Intelligence Community in the Golden Age of Open Source Intelligence

2018-02-04 By Danny Lam Competition between public and controlled information is as old as life. From the beginning of time, there were information hoarder / controllers and disseminators / distributors.   Information science tells us that 99% of information is public and only a tiny portion is significantly restricted. The explosion…

“Trumpism” and the Retooling of American Politics

2018-01-30 By Danny Lam Donald J. Trump was the first candidate to become president of the United States without prior experience as a military leader, a politician or ever having held a senior government post. As he delivers his State of the Union address this week, the president has the…

Washington Should Welcome Tashkent’s New Course

2018-01-26 By Richard Weitz Remarkable changes are occurring in the heart of Eurasia—specifically in Uzbekistan. Shavkat Mirziyoyev, who became president a year ago, after serving as prime minister with previous President Islam Karimov for more than a dozen years, has launched a new foreign policy course. While still prioritizing the…

Changing Political Dynamics in the United States: Trump as a Political Icebreaker

2018-01-11 By Harald Malmgren The election of Donald Trump is still reverberating throughout the American political system. Rather than being an aberration which the professional political class might never wish to see repeated, President Trump’s election was a bold, powerful shock to the long-prevailing, deeply entrenched political system in Congress,…

Preparing for 2018: The UN Sending States Agenda to Deal with North Korea

On December 19, 2017, the United States and Canada said that nations from around the world would convene January 16 to show solidarity against North Korea's nuclear program. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland, meeting in Ottawa, said the meeting would take place in…