Europe: Illusions and Reality

2017-11-10  Dr. Harald Malmgren Europe is in a period of fundamental transition. French President Macron has put great energy into what sees as the next phase of European development, namely intensified integration of the EU member states into a common framework of governance. He has even called for a common…

Shaping a More Effective Deterrent Capability: NATO Modernizes Its Command Structure:

2017-11-11 At the recent NATO Defense Ministers meeting held on November 8, 2017 in Brussels, the Ministers decided to modernize the NATO command structure. As a story published on November 8, 2017 by Radio Free Europe noted: NATO defense ministers have endorsed a plan to establish two new military headquarters designed…

Putting the Niger Ambush Into Perspective

2017-11-06 by Murielle Delaporte The Niger Ambush puts the fight against Islamic terrorists into perspective. During an ambush, in early October in Niger, American and Nigerian soldiers encountered terrorist fighters who caused the deaths of nine of the counter-terrorist forces. It is also a reminder that fighting global terrorism requires…

Mattis Visits Finland: Highlights the Importance of Nordic Defense

2017-11-07 Second Line of Defense has underscored the importance of the evolving challenges as well as strategic responses of the Nordics to those challenges. Apparently, Secretary Mattis agrees. Yesterday, he visited Finland and highlighted their contribution to democracy and to the defense of the region. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis applauded…

Changing the Business Rules: Enhancing the Capabilities for Airpower IB 21

2017-10-09 By Robbin Laird With the cross learning among the combat forces as they shape more effective integrated combat forces to prevail in a contested environment, the business rules need to change to adapt platforms more rapidly to evolving combat requirements. The force will be built around core multi-mission platforms,…