The Changing Norwegian Strategic Environment: The Perspective of the Norwegian Defense Minister (Updated)

2017-02-15 By Robbin Laird Norway is in an especially interesting and perhaps precarious situation or put another way is at the crossroads of 21st century history. It is a small country with a very large territory bordering on one of the most active military powers, led by a skillful strategist.…

NATO and the Dialogue of the Deaf: Why Will It Be Any Different This Time?

2017-02-22 By Danny Lam Secretary Mattis delivered an impassioned plea for increased defense spending by NATO allies at the Brussels summit. “If your nations do not want to see America moderate its commitment to this alliance, each of your capitals needs to show support for our common defense,” Mattis made clear. NATO,…

Social Turbulence and Promise Lost: The Case of Two Scholars of Brazilian History and the 1960s

2017-02-15 By Kenneth Maxwell To read today’s press you would think that the coming of Donald Trump is a shock beyond recognition. Yet conflict and shocks in Washington are clearly nothing new. We certainly lived through larger social upheavals before, notably the one’s of the 1960s. It is clear that…

President Trump Faces First Asian Challenges: The North Korean Missile Launch

2017-02-12 By Richard Weitz The target of North Korea’s ballistic missile test this weekend, though aimed at the Sea of Japan, was President Donald Trump and visiting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who called the launch “absolutely intolerable" and demanded that Pyongyang respect all UN Security Council Resolutions prohibiting such…