Shaping a Trump Policy Template

2016-12-03 By Harald Malmgren The election of Donald Trump as the next US President surprised most pollsters, political leaders in both major political parties, and the mainstream media. Broadly based political unrest seems to have materialized in the form of a populist revolt against Congress, the President, federal bureaucracy, lobbyists,…

The Canadian Government, Defense Procurement, and Software: Out of Phase with Western Defense Development and Modernization?

2016-11-29 By Danny Lam The Liberal regime needs to be cognizant that Canada will always be a modest sized customer in the world arms market. As such, unique and irregular Canadian requirements and unorthodox procurement processes will sharply inflate cost and create long term issues of sustainability. Kludgey Canadian equipment…

Creating Terror-Free Zones: How a Citizen Organization is Helping in the Philippines

2016-11-28 By Albert  Santoli, President, Asia America Initiative The Philippine archipelago of 7,000 islands and water passages of trade, defense and communications form a strategic crossroad vital to the security to the entire Pacific Region and the West Coast of the United States. The strategic relationship between the United States and the…