Political Disorder 2016: Distrust of Government and Political Parties

2016-04-14  By Harald Malmgren 2016 is a year of political disorder in many nations. Long established political parties are suffering fragmentation and leadership disputes. In some nations new parties are forming and gaining momentum. In others fringe parties are gaining traction and emerging as mainstream challengers. Voter frustration and discontent…

The Australian Prime Minister Weighs in on the Global Terrorist Threat: And the ADF Exercises Its Counter-Terrorism Capabilities

03/31/2016: When visiting Australia in March 2016, the Brussels terrorism events had a major impact on the debate in Australia about how to deal with the terrorist threat closer to home. The Prime Minister of Australia gave a hard hitting speech which highlighted a tough immigration policy coupled with enhanced counter-terrorism…

Welcome to the Brazilian Games: And We Are Not Talking About the Summer Olympics

2016-03-09 By Kenneth Maxwell At 6am on Friday morning, March 4, 2016,, Brazilian armed federal police officers arrived at the home in the outskirts of São Paulo, of the former president of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, better known to Brazilians and internationally simply as "Lula." On Tuesday of this week, the president of Oderbrecht, one of Brazil's largest…

Russian Words: Do They Matter?

2016-02-22 By Richard Weitz The last few months have seen the release of several documents, interviews, and speeches that provide revealing insights into the Kremlin’s worldview. At the end of December, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a new National Security Strategy. The Russian president is required to issue a revised…