The Russian Mistral Decision Revisited: The Flagship for the NATO Spearhead Force?

2014-09-11 By Robbin Laird Recently, the French government has suspended delivery of the Mistral amphibious ship to Russia. In a story published by France 24 on September 9, 2014: France on Wednesday suspended the first of two controversial Mistral-class warship deliveries to Russia, saying “conditions” were not in place as…

China’s Foreign Policy And Security Decision System: Shaping Assertive Sovereignty and Regional Behavior

2014-09-02 by Harald Malmgren Xi Jinping has already successfully reconfigured China’s Politburo and its Politburo Standing Committee (PSC). He has also set in motion a massive corruption purge of the Chinese domestic state security apparatus, starting with its head, Zhou Yongkang, and including several hundred other national and local officials.…