Greenland Defense: Working the Problem

2014-05-23 By Robbin Laird Dateline: Copenhagen, Denmark The Russian actions in Ukraine have reminded Europe of the direct defense of Europe challenge.  And part of Europe is clearly the Arctic and securing their Arctic interests during the Arctic opening. And a key element of managing that opening is safety, security and…

Australia Works Hypersonics for 21st Century Capabilities: A Key American Partner for Pacific Defense

2014-05-14 By Robbin Laird The coming of the USMC for a 6-month rotation in the training areas of Northern Australia is a concrete manifestation of the US-Australian deepening their working relationship in shaping 21st century Pacific Defense capabilities.  The Aussies are engaged in significant defense modernization projects, such as the KC-30A…

The Return of Russia and the Challenge to European Defense: The Italian Contribution

2014-05-14 By Robbin Laird Since the reunification of Germany and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the defense of Europe has been largely a politically managed affair.  The business at hand was shoring up the European Union and NATO arrangements to deal with the new situation, and to expand East as…