Lt. General Robling, MARFORPAC Commander, in Darwin: Honors Australian Vietnam War Hero

2014-04-22 by Robbin Laird Lieutenant Gen. Terry Robling, commanding general of US Marine Corps Forces Pacific, speaks in front of Marine Rotational Force – Darwin about the relationship between the Australian Defence Force and the United States Marine Corps and the honor Brig. Michael Harris displayed on behalf of both…

The Distributed Laydown in the Pacific and Deterrence in Depth: Lt. General Robling Discusses the Evolution of the USN-USMC Team in the Pacific

2014-04-06 By Robbin Laird After spending a week in Hawaii with the MARFORPAC staff, and the PACAF staff and the commander, and then two weeks in Australia for visits to airbases and to the Williams Foundation seminar on the evolution of air combat capabilities, I concluded my trip to the region…

Russian Resurgence and the Arctic

2014-04-16 Clearly, the Arctic is a major area of interest for the major Arctic powers as well as global economic powers like Japan and China, who are not one of the five powers with direct claims. The gradual melting of Arctic ice is creating the beginnings of a very different strategic…