Russian Black Sea Fleet Expansion in the Works?

2014-04-29 In a piece published on, Joshuya Kucerna published a piece looking at the opportunities and challenges for the Russians in expanding their Black Sea Fleet. (Excerpts) Russian President Vladimir Putin has signaled his intent to expand the country's Black Sea Fleet now that the previous restrictions to its size…

China, Japan and US Responses to Putin

2014-04-28 by Harald Malmgren The hesitant, cautious, incremental responses of US policy towards Russia with regard to developments in Syria, Iran, and now Ukraine, and further Russian threats to Transniestria and other Russian “neighbors” is generating rethinking in Asian capitals. Notably, China’s PLA is ramping up its aggressive rhetoric about…

The Nordics, the Russians and Defense: The Baltic and Arctic Security Convergence

2014-04-25 by Robbin Laird The Russians have been map-making in Crimea.  With the Ukraine in play, close observers of Russian behavior are taking their measure of what such behavior might mean elsewhere. Clearly, an area of note is the Baltics.  With Putin’s emphasis on Russian ethnic solidarity trumping international borders,…

Africa, Defense and Development: Why A Relevant Defense Capability is Important

2014-04-24 By staff writer from defenceWeb A pertinent illustration of why South Africa needs a capable and well-equipped defense force comes from a discussion by the chairman and three members of the Defence Review committee. Taking the example of South African losses suffered in the Battle for Bangui last year, Roelf…

Lt. General Robling, MARFORPAC Commander, in Darwin: Honors Australian Vietnam War Hero

2014-04-22 by Robbin Laird Lieutenant Gen. Terry Robling, commanding general of US Marine Corps Forces Pacific, speaks in front of Marine Rotational Force – Darwin about the relationship between the Australian Defence Force and the United States Marine Corps and the honor Brig. Michael Harris displayed on behalf of both…