COVID-19 Crisis: Geopolitical Implications for Australia

By Paul Dibb The coronavirus pandemic will affect the power of countries in different ways. The biggest impact will be reductions in the economic, and therefore military, strength and relative power of competing major states. The American historian Walter Russell Mead says that ‘the balance of world power could change significantly as…

An Update on the Impact of the Coronavirus Crisis on French Defense Industry: April 23, 2020

By Pierre Tran Paris - Naval Group seeks to cut costs in a “savings plan” and conserve cash in response to a slowdown in shipbuilding due to the Codevi 19 crisis, the company said. “While the productive activity of all Naval Group’s shipyards has been reduced, Naval Group is launching…

Norway Releases its Long Term Defence Plan, 2020: Resilience as a Core Defense Capability

On April 17, 2020, the Norwegian government released its Long Term Defence Plan. The plan reaffirmed Norway’s commitment to increased defense spending and joint force modernization. But it also underscored the continued efforts on national resilience which the current Coronavirus-19 crisis has underscored as a key requirement for national defense…

Shaping a Way Ahead on Military Strategy: The Need for Strategic Coherence

By Robbin Laird With a growing array of single service initiatives designed to compete for “deterrence badges” in the great power competition, there is a clear danger of splintering deterrence rather than reinforcing it. In my recent discussion with Dr. Paul Bracken, the nuclear weapons expert, underscored the key importance…

Reshaping China Strategy: Reconsidering the Role and Place of the Military Dimension

By Robbin Laird The Coronavirus crisis and its management by the liberal democracies is clearly and inflection point. Moving forward choices will be made shaping the decade ahead in terms of basic national strategies as well as with allies. A key aspect of shaping a way ahead clearly will be…

Disaster Resilience: Meeting the Challenge

By John Blackburn As we deal with the ongoing bushfire disaster in Australia it is worth reflecting on the report the Department of Home Affairs National Resilience Taskforce did in 2018 on Australia's disaster risk and vulnerabilities. The aim of the report was to help understand where to prioritize collective…

Updating European Defense for the 2020s: Establishing a European Defence and Security Council

By Pierre Tran Paris - France seeks to maintain close ties with Britain after Brexit on a bilateral and multilateral basis, with the Macron administration proposing a European council for security and defense as an institutional link, a government official said. The Dec. 12th election resulted in the UK seeing…