By Ed Timperlake President Putin has just given all in America a wakeup call, but to the Russian Military everlasting regret if combat ever breaks out the US Navy is always ready-NOW. Over fifty years ago, 1965, in Bancroft Hall at the United States Naval Academy, Plebes (freshmen) were required…
By Ed Timperlake My initial 2011 paper “winning Air/Sea Battle” only looked at F-35 as early warning platform [note] [/note] Essentially, I focused in that paper on the F-35s as providing a “heads up” to fleet surface ships about “incoming” missiles threats but in the non-stealth mode the F-35 can carry…
By Ed Timperlake A game changer in weapon effectiveness and a way ahead to deal with a most “wicked problem” facing the US Navy today is how to effectively counter Putin’s threat of using HSCMs, notably aboard submarines. My preliminary analysis on how to engage with evolving HSCM and…
We have focused for some time on the importance of the modernization efforts of the Nordics in dealing with the return of the direct defense challenge in Europe. A key state in the effort has clearly been Norway. Recently, the Norwegian government released their defence plan for the next seven…
By Ed Timperlake It is now time to accept that a war-changing weapon, HSCM is in the late stages of R&D and it must be accounted for in any battle plan. Unlike distant “hyper-sonic” R&D efforts such a Global Strategic Strike aircraft, a hypersonic cruise missile is a rapidly evolving…
By Ed Timperlake The US Navy and the surface fleet is very much engaged in our strategic and tactical thinking about how to defend against the emerging Hyper-Sonic Cruise Missile threat. Of course, the best way to stop a HSCM is to sink the enemy sub before it has a…
By Murielle Delaporte NATO's Allied Transformation Command will celebrate's its fifteenth year this year as NATO celebrates its seventieth. Earlier this month, in an interview with the new Supreme Commander, General André Lanata, we had a chance to discuss his approach to ACT and its transformation mission. When asked about the…
By Ed Timperlake The view of the US Navy and its approach to ASW throughout history was laid down over sixty years ago by one of the most accomplished CNO’s in Naval History, Admiral Arleigh Burke. Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Arleigh Burke initiated “Project Nobska,” which carved out a…