F-35 2.0 and Changing the Defense Eco-System

By Robbin Laird We have argued for more than a decade that leveraging fifth generation aircraft allowed for the re-norming of airpower. With the evolution of the F-35 and with the buy of the aircraft by several key allies, those allies are starting to introduce the aircraft into their forces,…

Finnish Air Force in Air-to-Air Refueling Training with USAF

Karelia Air Command conducts Air-to-Air Refueling (AAR) training for F/A-18 pilots in cooperation with the 100th Air Refueling Wing, United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE), from 11 to 13 September. In total 8-14 F/A-18 Hornet multi-role fighters from Karelia, Lapland and Satakunta Air Commands will participate in the training.…

Reshaping the Australian Air Force Cadets Program: A Key Element of 21st Century Defense Infrastructure

By Robbin Laird When one thinks of defense infrastructure, a key element is the people in the force and the infrastructure, manufacturing, science, technology, and engineering that support it. But clearly, having a dedicated committed and capable pool of recruits both into the support structure and the force is absolute…

China and the Politics of Space Control

By Richard Weitz In late August, 2018 the Chinese Foreign Ministry published its position paper regarding the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly, which will run from September 18 and October 5 in New York. In this document, Beijing has again professed concern about the militarization of space—somewhat awkwardly…

Shaping Enhanced Sovereign Options: Leveraging the Integrated Force Building Process

By Robbin Laird The Williams Foundation has held a series of seminars over the past few years, which have progressively looked at the transformation of the Royal Australian Air Force and to the shaping of cross-modernizing Australian Defence Force.  Referred to overall as building a fifth generation force, the focus…

The Defense of Australia: Looking Back and Leaning Forward

By Robbin Laird Sydney, Australia During my August 2018 visit to Australia, I had a chance to meet with and discuss the question of the evolving approach to the defense of Australia with a member of the Australian National University, Andrew Carr. Dr. Carr is working towards the conclusion of…

Doing the European Dance: Putin and the Next Stage of European Development

By Robbin Laird Russia under Putin has been working hard his strategic agenda with regard to the West. At the heart of this strategy has been to reduce the direct threat to Russia posed by NATO and to stop NATO expansion in its tracks. He has been more successful with…