The Strategic Shift and the Norwegian Approach

By Robbin Laird Last year, I visited Norway and had a chance to discuss with senior officials their thinking about the way ahead for Norway and North Atlantic defense. The Norwegians are investing significantly in new systems, but just as importantly are re-focused on their total defense concept to ensure…

Avoiding a Car Crash for UK Defense: The Brexit Challenge

By Philip Butterworth-Hayes Time, they say, slows down the few seconds before a car crash. For close observers of the UK’s disentanglement from the European Union’s (EU) defence and security institutions, time has started to decelerate over the last few weeks. First came the reports of the Commission’s decision that…

NATO’s Allied Transformation Command: The Challenge of Shaping a Way Ahead

By Murielle Delaporte Recent interviews conducted in Norfolk, Virginia, and in particular with Supreme Allied Transformation Commander (SACT) General Denis Mercier, focused on how NATO is addressing its transformation. In the wake of February’s NATO Defense ministers’ two-day meeting in Brussels and the reform of the command structure, the ACT…

Shaping a Kill Web Approach to Dealing with the High End Fight

We are focusing on several aspects of change in the global strategic situation as well the approach which U.S. and allied forces are taking to engage effectively as the strategic situation changes. One key dynamic of change is the distribution of sensors and strike throughout the battlespace and the use…

The Strategic Shift Facing the Western Democracies: A New Special Report

Since 2014, the Williams Foundation has held a series of seminars, which have looked at the nature of military transformation enabled by new platforms, new technologies and new approaches. Now, the Foundation is focusing on the new strategic context within which this force will operate and the kinds of further…

Regaining US and Allied Strategic Advantage: Dr. Griffin Weighs In

By Robbin Laird Recently, the new Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering Dr, Michael Griffin, provided an overview at Hudson Institute on how he sees the role of science and technology in regaining U.S. strategic advantage in an increasingly contested strategic environment. In an earlier speech, he noted…

Geopolitics and Shaping a Way Ahead for the Liberal Democracies in the Pacific

During the RAAF Airpower Conference, 2018, one key subject was the nature of the change geopolitical dynamics in the region and its implication for Australian and for its liberal democratic allies. The keynote address by Bilahari Kausikan Ambassador at Large at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore provided a challenging…