Paul Bracken Assesses the Trump Administration Nuclear Posture Review

2018-02-08 By Paul Bracken The 2018 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) is a thoughtful, deliberative report that captures the big strategic issues facing the United States in the area of nuclear force structure.[1] This is surprising and welcome in my view. The previous two NPRs, in 2002 and 2010 respectively, were ideological tracts with…

Forceful De-Nuclearization of North Korea and Building the New Korea

2018-01-25 By Danny Lam Militarily defeating a nuclear armed North Korea with minimal risks, low allied and DPRK casualties is possible. But that leads to the question of what sort of a post war Korea would emerge and how the peace can be won. Winning the peace is a distinctly…

The Combat Effect of the Super Tucano: A Tortured Acquisition Saga Gone Good

2018-01-19 By Robbin Laird When have you read a positive review of our combat experience in Afghanistan from the Pentagon’s Inspector General? Not a common experience for sure, but very recently, the IG underscored a significant advance in how the battle in Afghanistan is going forward. “Less than two years…

Inside the New Trump Administration National Defense Strategy

2018-01-19 The Trump Administration released today the new national defense strategy and as our colleague Colin Clark, Editor of Breaking Defense, noted, it is a significant change from that of the Obama Administration. “The Trump Administration’s first National Defense Strategy is a vigorously and well written document that marks a major…

Peaceful Denuclearization Means DPRK Regime Can Survive

2018-01-18 By Danny Lam The United States and Canada just concluded a meeting of the United Nations Command Sending States and allies in Vancouver, British Columbia. "Sending states" refers to the belligerents acting under the authority of the United Nations that originally signed the Korean Armistice Agreement of 1953 with…

21st Century Military Power: Changing the Hard and Soft Power Calculus

2018-01-12 By Robbin Laird The US military has been focused along with core allies in fighting counter-terrorism land wars for more than a decade, which represents a defining generation of combat experience for the joint, and coalition force. There has been significant combat learning in shaping new approaches to counter-terrorism…

Trump’s Security Strategy Balances Counterproliferation, Nuclear Modernization, and Missile Defenses

2018-01-09 By Richard Weitz The Trump administration’s National Security Strategy (NSS)—if fully executed in the Pentagon’s upcoming National Defense Strategy in January and its Nuclear Posture and Ballistic Missile Defense Reviews in February—would provide robust protection against WMD threats, whether wielded by terrorists or hostile countries. Reflecting the bipartisan foundation…