Shaping a Way Ahead to Prepare for 21st Century Conflicts: Payload-Utility Capabilities and the Kill Web

2017-09-03  by Ed Timperlake This article argues that payload utility can be a driver for understanding the future development of combat systems. To understand Pu with full honor to John Boyd, it can be noted that Observe/Orient (OO) is essentially target acquisition, and Decide/Act (DA) is target engagement. Thus there…

Remembering 9/11: Anticipating Risks

2017-08-27 By Robbin Laird For me, having been at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, unanticipated events are a key part of being realistic about risks. What risks are we not focused upon that are anticipatable? What does the current bias of policy making and the politically correct definition of…

Dealing with Reality Shock: Refocusing on the World We Have Rather than the World We Wish We Would Have

2017-08-21 By Robbin Laird During recent conversations with Ross Babbage in the United States and then Australia, we discussed the dynamics of change in the global environment and the challenges posed to the liberal democracies by the illiberal powers. Ross is a well-known and well regarded Australian strategist with significant…