2017-01-15 In a story published on the UK Ministry of Defence website on January 20. 2017, the UK Minister of Defence recently highlighted the evolution of the UK’s defence network. At a meeting with British Defence Attachés, hosted in London, Sir Michael called on the UK’s military diplomats to take…
2017-01-03 By Danny Lam The seizure of a USN Drone operating 50nm northwest of Subic Bay operating in International waters of South China Sea (SCS) highlights the evolution of PRC policy and reflects a way ahead. The drones and its tender USNS Bowditch were well away from any PRC claims…
2017-01-05 By Richard Weitz Until recently, except in the case of Iran, the Obama administration did not address Russia as a major factor in its Middle East strategy. The administration withdrew the U.S. military from Iraq and promoted Israel-Palestinian reconciliation without thinking of Moscow’s potential contribution or opposition. Then external…
2016-12-18 By Ed Timperlake and Robbin Laird The Chinese Navy has come out into the big world as a counter-piracy force. For example, the PLAN has been part of the anti-piracy operations off of the waters of Somalia. And in 2014, the PLAN did an exercise with the US Navy with…
2016-12-11 By Richard Weitz President-elect Donald Trump’s decision to appoint South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley as his future UN Ambassador underscores that the incoming administration, which begins on January 20, understands the importance of developing stronger Indian-U.S. ties. The bilateral national security relationship is critical for realizing both countries’ core…
2016-12-15 By Ed Timperlake When reading a recent article on the Chinese illegal build out on islands in the Pacific, I was struck with what the images reminded me of from history. In an article on "China's New Spratly Island Defenses," published by the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, several digital…
2016-11-28 By Robbin Laird We are in the midst of significant global change. The strategic dislocation of the Middle East, the Putin Russian revival, the Brexit dynamic, the Euro crisis, the German migrant opening at the middle of Europe, the Chinese power grab, the Chinese economic malaise, the Japanese power…
2016-11-27 By Danny Lam During President Obama’s meeting with President Elect Donald Trump, a “big problem for the country” was discussed. North Korea and its nuclear ballistic missile program was identified in September as the first problem for the Trump Administration. President Elect Trump will be briefed by the priesthood…