2016-08-20 By Robbin Laird The Aussies are shaping a transformed military force. It is one which is built around new platforms but working together across services to achieve a joint effect and able to operate in a joint manner in an extended battlespace. It is about extending the defense perimeter…
2016-08-28 By Garth McLennan The United States Congress is contemplating changes to the standards it uses to define its defense architecture against ballistic missile threats. Any such changes are likely to be more symbolic than substantive in the short term, but over time will create more political space for the development…
2016-08-22 By Kenneth Maxwell The most negative expectations for the Rio Olympic Games did not materialize. Zika did not impact tourists or athletes as expected (at least not so far). The number of foreign visitors was less than anticipated, though those that came to Rio enjoyed the competitions. Many stadiums were often…
2016-08-20 By Richard Weitz In another of the bold moves that has marked Putin’s Syria campaign since it began last September, the Russian Air Force began using bases in Iran on August 16 to support its bombing campaign in Syria. For several days now, Tupolev-22M3 Backfire long-range supersonic bombers and the…
2016-07-17 By Robbin Laird During my visit to the United Kingdom in June 2016, I had a chance to talk with Air Commodore Dean Andrew, the ISTAR Force Commander based at RAF Waddington. We spoke about the challenges of transforming the current platform focused Air ISTAR community to an integrated…
2016-07-19 By Richard Weitz Last week, the U.S. Defense Department announced that, following months of assessment by a Republic of Korea (ROK)-U.S. Joint Working Group, the U.S. Forces Korea command would station a Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) battery in the ROK. According to the announcement, “The THAAD deployment will…
2016-07-09 After an extensive competition, the Australian government downselected the French firm DCNS to build a new class of advanced conventional submarines. In a press release from the Australian government dated April 26, 206, the Australian government announced the decision and underscored that “The decision was driven by DCNS’s ability to…
2016-07-06 By Richard Weitz Recent weeks have seen clear evidence of Russian perseverance in sustaining its Arctic presence despite the country’s national economic slowdown and other challenges. This is particularly visible in Russia’s new icebreakers, which in the Arctic are the military equivalent of aircraft carriers in other oceans—the main…