Cobra Gold 2019

Adm. Phil Davidson, commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, visited Thailand to help our allies and partners close out multi-lateral training. Cobra Gold, in its 38th iteration, is designed to advance regional security and ensure effective responses to regional crises by bringing together a robust multinational force to address shared goals…


Marine and naval forces from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Great Britain and the United States kicked off UNITAS LX, an annual multinational exercise kicking off in Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 19. This year's exercise is hosted by the Brazilian Navy and will conduct operations off…

Battle Group Lion

Battle Group Lion’s four-week Warfighter exercise has culminated with an impressive display of live-fire action at Shoalwater Bay Training Area, 1 June to 3 July 2019. Led by the 1st Armoured Regiment, the Warfighter involved more than 900 personnel from across Australia including, cavalry, infantry, engineers, artillery, advanced medical and…

Australian-US Ministerial Meetings

The Australian Minister for Defence Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, and the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator Marise Payne hosted the United States Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at the 2019 Australia-United States Ministerial Consultations (AUSMIN) in Sydney on Sunday,…