82nd Airlift Wing Conducts Rare Multi-Ship Taxi

06/05/2013: 82nd Airlift Wing conducts rare seven-ship taxi [slidepress gallery='82nd-airlift-wing-conducts-rare-seven-ship-taxi'] Credit: 82nd Airlift Wing:6/2/13 In the first two photos, Illinois Air National Guard C-130H3 Hercules aircraft prepare to park at the 182nd Airlift Wing apron in Peoria, Ill., June 2, 2013. The military transport planes participated in a rare seven-ship…

USMC Special Purpose MAGTF

06/05/2013: These photos highlight various aspects of the USMC working in Europe and Africa.  The Special Purpose MAGTF is a key tool for such operations. [slidepress gallery='usmc-special-purpose-magtf'] In the first two photos shot at MORON DE LA FRONTERA, Spain, six MV-22B Ospreys assigned to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 365 arrived…

Exercise Dawn Blitz 2013 II

06/05/2013: Exercise Dawn Blitz 2013 II. The Japanese and Australians among others understand that the future of their Armies is shaping more expeditionary capabilities and to operate as a maneuver force. They will operate not as a “raiding force,” but a maneuver force from the sea and supported from the…

Exercise Dawn Blitz 2013

06/05/2013: Exercise Dawn Blitz 2013. The USN-USMC team are shaping a new approach to landpower for the 21st century. The Japanese and Australians among others understand that the future of their Armies is shaping more expeditionary capabilities and to operate as a maneuver force. They will operate not as a…

Japan’s Ships Arrive at Port for Dawn Blitz

06/05/2013: Japanese Naval ships arriving at Naval Base San Diego for Dawn Blitz 2013 with Japanese Army soldiers on board to work on amphibious operations. The USN-USMC team are shaping a new approach to landpower for the 21st century. The Japanese and Australians among others understand that the future of…

Counter Mine Ops and Divers in Action

06/05/2013: Mina Salman Pier, Bahrain (March 11, 2013). Navy diver 3rd Class David Hilborn, assigned to Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit (MDSU) 2, Company 2-2, conducts an inspection dive on a vessel's hull. MDSU 2, Company 2-2, is assigned to Commander, Task Group 56.1, promoting mine countermeasure, explosive ordnance disposal, salvage…

Special Purpose MAGTF Africa Training

06/03/2013: Marines with Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Africa provide security after disembarking from an MV-22 Osprey during a field training exercise aboard Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, N.C., Nov. 16, 2012. Special-Purpose MAGTF Africa was training for their deployment to Europe. [slidepress gallery='special-purpose-magtf-training'] Credit:22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit:11/16/12 In the…

Companie de Fusilier Marine Commandos Works with Special-Purpose MAGTF Africa

06/03/2013: Companie de Fusilier Marine Commandos Works with  Special-Purpose MAGTF Africa [slidepress gallery='magtf-africa'] Credit:Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Africa:5/8/13 In the first two photos, a Senegalese Companie de Fusilier Marine Commando detains Sgt. Daniel Scelfo, Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Africa reconnaissance Marine from Carlsbad, Calif., and role playing as…