An Interview with the First “Regular” Pilot of the F-35

In an interview at Eglin AFB, Lt. Col. Lee Kloos, the first non-test pilot to start his transition to the F-35 discusses the experience.  Kloos has 2000 hours of flight experience on the F-16 and is a USAF Weapons School graduate. Kloos started his F-35 training at Eglin last October. …

A400M Progresses on Path to IOC

06/21/2012: Airbus Military has successfully demonstrated the loading of NH Industries NH90 and Eurocopter EC725 helicopters onto the A400M new generation airlifter. In a series of tests at Holzdorf air base in Germany and at Toulouse, France respectively, the NH90 and EC725 were loaded onto, and unloaded from, the Grizzly…

What is the X Cubed?

6/21/12: The X 3 is a Eurocopter proof of concept demonstration aircraft blending rotor and turboprop technologies. The helicopter is designed to provide a low cost high-speed operating form factor while ensuring the versatility and functionalities of a helicopter, such as VTOL, hovering, autorotation. It is aimed at customers who…

First Flight of UK F-35B

BK-1, the United Kingdom’s first F-35 Lightning II production aircraft, flew its inaugural flight mid-April 2012.  Lockheed Martin test pilot Bill Gigliotti took the short takeoff/vertical landing (STOVL) jet through a series of functional flight checks during a sortie that lasted 45 minutes. The jet will complete a series of…

The Advantages of More Operational Space: The Australian Tanker

During the U.S. tanker competition, a consistent "missing" analytical element was an understanding that the A33o MRTT was just that a multi-capable tanker. Rather than having to carry fuel or carry other things, the tanker can do both.  Because the tanker carried its fuel load in its wings, the basic…

British Tanker Begins its Life for the RAF

Yesterday, the new British A330 tanker began its RAF service life.  The British program is built around a unique leasing approach. The leasing approach allows for amortization of operational costs by sharing life as a commercial freighter with its tanker duties with the RAF. [caption id="attachment_37195" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="First flight…