Osprey as VIP Platform of Choice in Afghanistan

06/09/2011: The core advantages of the Osprey – speed and range – are highlighted every time VIPs show up in Afghanistan and want to cover as much ground in as short a time.  In these two photos, Secretary of Defense Gates used the Osprey in such a manner.  Here the…

Super Stallions At Work

Super Stallions Transport Supplies in Sindh Province 11/05/2010 - These photos show USMC forces involved in Pakistan Flood relief. Since Aug. 5, U.S. military helicopters have transported more than 12 million pounds of supplies. The U.S. Marine Corps’ 15th and 26th Marine Expeditionary Units have been operating CH-46 Sea Knight…

Building the F35C

Following Up With Armando Martinez, Lockheed Martin Armando Martinez was recently the completion supervisor for the BF-4 or the 4th F35-B; he is now the completion supervisor for the first build of the F35-C, or the naval version of the F-35. [slidepress gallery='building-the-f35c'] Credit: Lockheed Martin, Fort Worth,  Texas, September…

General Deptula on the Challenges to US Air Superiority

10/08/2010 - The recently retired USAF chief intelligence officer recently warned of the impending loss of US air superiority. In a presentation to the recently completed Air Force Association annual conference, the General outlined how he viewed the various challenges to US air superiority and how these challenges interacted to…

Ensuring The Osprey’s Readiness: The VMM-264 At Work

An Update on the Osprey at New River Air Station, North Carolina 10/08/2010 -These photos were taken at the end of August 2010 during a visit to New River Air Station.  Repair activities are here being conducted by VMM-264 technicians;  some of the squadron’s Ospreys are also being shown on…